Keep an eye on that ‘blacks vs whites’ propaganda surge as blacks and whites fill the streets, demand change

Today, popular blogging sites like Medium, among other opinion blogs and columns, feature opinion pieces that make the claim “There is no such thing as a white ally”, and claim that white people only make everything worse when they try to help. This of course comes during the largest multi-racial civil rights protests in USContinue reading “Keep an eye on that ‘blacks vs whites’ propaganda surge as blacks and whites fill the streets, demand change”

All ‘peace’ enjoyed by US citizens is not real, and has never been.

Every time tax-paying, voting, working-class Americans have enjoyed a period of “relative peace”, it has never been true, and was always selective. When you ignore the plight of millions of people who are victims of our wars outside the country, and when you utilize the ready-made, imperialist, America First propaganda that tells you “they deservedContinue reading “All ‘peace’ enjoyed by US citizens is not real, and has never been.”

Virtual Breadlines, and other quintessentially American problems-

At least during the past, before the internet and online ordering, when the breadlines formed and basic supplies became limited you could *see* those breadlines forming, photograph them, and document them in this way. Today, under late-stage capitalism and all it has wrought, the ‘breadlines’ are virtual since most people order online and enjoy, lol,Continue reading “Virtual Breadlines, and other quintessentially American problems-“

Traitor! Tyrant! Abuser, thief, and human-rights violator! #GeneralAction is now! The world sees!

RISE UP! Donald Trump and the fascist goons he commands, who were ready for this for decades, are traitors to this country, even to its questionable founding, and must be opposed at all costs from now until they fall. Everyone should be able to see that now. There is now history-making brutality in nearly everyContinue reading “Traitor! Tyrant! Abuser, thief, and human-rights violator! #GeneralAction is now! The world sees!”